Tesco face record Equal Pay claim

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Tesco face record Equal Pay claim

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Supermarket supergiant Tesco are facing a groundbreaking equal pay claim which could cost the Company a staggering £4bn.

The claim brought by more than a thousand female employees of Tesco is based on the principle, that both men and women should receive equal pay for equal work, as provided for under the Equality Act.

Female staff at Tesco argue that they receive less pay than men, even though the value of the work is comparable.

The contextual background of the claims brought, are based upon the comparison between shop floor staff, whereby the majority of employees are typically women and the male majority warehouse staff.

The most common rate of pay for staff on the shop floor is £8 an hour whereas the hourly rate can be as high as £11 an hour for a role in the warehouse. Job roles do not have to be identical in order to make a comparison between positions and therefore bring an equal pay claim.

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